Our Stories

Caught in a Gutter
We had a pet rescue in Raleigh! After a customer made several calls to local groups with no luck, a quick Google search for “Who can get a cat out of my sewer”, and Roto-Rooter was on the job! Our techs John and Victor quickly made a rescue plan. After opening the manhole cover, they lowered a jacket for the cat to climb on and pulled him to safety. The cat, now appropriately named “Gutter”, has been adopted by a Roto-Rooter employee.

It’s a Thanksgiving Miracle

It’s a Thanksgiving Miracle
On Thanksgiving, techs from our Wilmington, Delaware branch were called to assist with a pet rescue. JoJo, a 13-year-old cat, had gone missing 6 days earlier. When techs arrived on the scene, they used a camera to locate the loving cat, and of course, used treats to lure him out. Wendy, JoJo’s owner, could not thank techs Tom Wise and Mike Williams enough for making Thanksgiving Day complete!

Curious Kitten
Roto-Rooter could not be more proud of techs at our Atlanta branch for rescuing a small kitten from a nearby storm drain. It’s not always an easy feat, but our techs went above and beyond to make sure this furry friend was pulled to safety. Way to go Danil Botnaru and Narcis Ciceu – another rescue and another happy customer!

Roto-Rooter branches across the country participated in our annual Pet Rescues Giving Thanks Food drive this past November. With the help of customer and employee donations, we were able to collect over 26,000 canned goods and pet food in 2021! All items were donated at local food banks and pet shelters across the country, just in time for the holiday season. We are proud of our employees that came together to help make this a success and look forward to another great year in 2022.