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How to Remove Mold After Water Damage

If your home could potentially flood - whether it's due to heavy rains or plumbing mishaps - it's important to know how to prevent flooding and clean harmful mold that may grow as a result of water damage. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

Remove as much water as possible

As soon as you can after water starts to accumulate in your home, you should remove as much of it as possible. Use buckets, an emergency water pump or even a wet/dry vacuum until any standing water is cleared away. Safety note: You must turn off your electricity completely before dealing with any water in your home - if you're not sure how, it may be best to call in a professional.

Take advantage of professional water restoration services

Speaking of calling in a professional, the No. 1 best way to avoid the growth of mold after water damage in your home is to schedule water restoration services with your water damage restoration service. The restoration team will fix the origin of the problem (if it's plumbing-related and not weather-related), remove standing water, take out any damaged drywall, carpeting or flooring, and use professional equipment to dry the room completely, preventing any possibility of mold growth.

Know what to look for

If the water damage to your home is minimal, and you choose to clean and dry the space yourself, stay vigilant about the potential growth of mold over the next several weeks. Rather than relying on mold testing, simply inspect the damaged area carefully, looking for any visual signs of growth or odd smells that could indicate the presence of dangerous microorganisms.

Mold often shows up in the form of fuzzy green, brown and black spores.

Remove mold carefully

If you do find mold, use caution when removing it to keep yourself and your family safe. Throw out any furniture, upholstery or other items that have begun to grow mold, and clean your walls and floors with a mixture of detergent and water. Wear face masks or respirators the entire time you're in the room. If the mold growth is extensive, it's a good idea to have professionals clean it for you - they'll do so safely and efficiently.
