A Thanksgiving Drama | Roto-Rooter
This holiday season, Roto-Rooter asks all those thankful for their kitchen sinks and garbage disposals to avoid the turkey-day drama by keeping drains clear of skins, oils, and peelings from their Thanksgiving feast. The day after Thanksgiving is Roto-Rooter’s busiest day of the year, unclogging thousands of drains and garbage disposals of dinner prep and clean-up from the festive night before. Be thankful for Thanksgiving leftovers – even the ones you need to throw away – by keeping them out of sink drains.
Roto-Rooter plumbing professionals are on call 24/7/365 to repair and unclog any drain or disposal that may have accidentally eaten Thanksgiving dinner. If turkey fixings are the source of your holiday plumbing nightmare, schedule a service with Roto-Rooter at www.rotorooter.com.